Within the school curriculum it is not sufficient to regard Art and Design as merely a creative or expressive subject. Its unique composition allows the individual the opportunity to develop aesthetic, research, technical, personal and social skills.
Art and Design is therefore a subject that makes a valuable contribution to the rounded education that the pupils of Ysgol Llanhari receive. The subject gives our pupils the opportunity to increase their awareness of the world in which they live: to make sense of its nuances and complexities. Lessons encourage pupils to study the work of Artists, Craft workers and Designers and through familiarity with this work, value these individuals’ contribution to society and prepare themselves to contribute in the same way.
The Art and Design Department is fortunate to have a strong cohort of former pupils who are now earning a living as professional artists in a wide variety of fields. These former pupils frequently return to the school to exhibit their work and share their expertise with the current generation of students. This resource has proved invaluable during recent years.