We know that starting in year 7 is a big step for young people. It can also be an anxious time for parents and families. Our aim at Ysgol Llanhari is to ensure that the pupils feel ready and excited to make the important leap to Year 7 with confidence.
At Ysgol Llanhari, we plan carefully to ensure effective transition for those pupils who join Ysgol Llanhari in Year 7 from our feeder primary schools, Ysgol Gynradd Dolau, Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Tonyrefail ac Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Gymraeg Llantrisant, and from Year 6 at Ysgol Llanhari.
Transition Team
To ensure that your child settles seamlessly into life in the secondary department, we have a team of staff available to help.
Lead for Transition:
Mrs Cath Webb – Assistant Headteacher
Key Staff
Year 7 Progress Leader – Mr John Rivers
ALNCo Ysgol Llanhari – Mrs Elin Hobbs
Assistant Headteacher – Wellbeing – Mrs Elen George
We work very closely together as four schools to ensure that pupils’ academic and social needs are taken into account when they transition. Information that will be of benefit in helping pupils settle into year 7 is transferred in advance through a series of meetings between the Year 6 teacher and the Year 7 Progress Leader, the Wellbeing Co-ordinator and ALNCo.
The views of pupils, along with primary and secondary staff are sought when placing the pupils in mixed ability registration classes, usually before the end of the summer term. Parents are also encouraged to let the school know of any wishes or concerns in this regard to ease the transition process.
Year 5 Transition and Settling – in Events
Fun Day
Year 5 pupils visit the school for a transition day during the Spring Term to take part in a day of fun. The focus is on team work and problem solving, and pupils are given the opportunity to begin to get to know peers from the other cluster schools.
Open Evening
An open evening is held for parents and Year 5 pupils during the Summer Term. During this event, the Headteacher, along with Assistant Headteachers, share information on wellbeing, ALN, curriculum and teaching and learning. The teachers also give a taste of what teaching and learning looks like in the form of workshops or presentations. The pupils have the opportunity to tour the departments, follow a timetable of activities and get a taste of school life.
Years 5 & 6
International Languages Lessons
Teachers from our International Languages department have a t in each of our primary schools on a weekly basis in order to deliver French, Spanish and Italian taster lessons. International Languages has an important place in the Curriculum for Wales and this offers new and exciting opportunities for us to work across our cluster schools. This project aims to inspire pupils’ interest before they join us in Year 7 and gives them a head start in learning foreign languages.
Year 6
The Year 7 Progress Leader participates fully in the transition arrangements throughout the year, becoming a familiar face for Year 6 pupils. The Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for transition leads the process, ensuring that key inclusion, wellbeing and academic staff work together in order for all pupils to have a successful transition that will enable them to continue their learning instantly when they reach Year 7.
Transition Days
During Year 6, pupils come to Ysgol Llanhari for a day during the Autumn Term and for two days during the Summer term for fun filled themed activities. During these days, the pupils will have the opportunity to tour the indoor and outdoor areas of the school and to meet key members of staff.
Question and Answer Sessions
Some of our older pupils visit all Year 6 cluster pupils’ classes for a question and answer session. This is a great opportunity for pupils to experience the excitement of the move to secondary education, and to be reassured them as they prepare to move into Year 7.
Information Evening for Parents
An information evening is held at Ysgol Llanhari for parents and Year 6 pupils at the end of the summer term to share organisational information prior to starting Year 7 in the September.
Yr.7 Induction Course
All pupils in Year 7 are encouraged to attend an induction residential course organised by the Year 7 Progress Leader in September in order to get to know each other as a year group and to enjoy each other’s company through the medium of Welsh.