Bienvenue! The study of an International Language is an essential component in preparing young people for life in the 2lst century. The vision of our International Language Department is to provide an engaging, creative and challenging environment where students learn to communicate effectively and confidently in the international language and discover various aspects of the country’s culture Competency in a language unlocks talents for technological enterprise and vocational abilities which enhance the employability skills of our pupils. Our
curriculum in the French language includes a wealth of experiences relating to such themes as Wales and the World, School and Employability, Global Sustainablity and Customs and Traditions. These themes promote the mastery of grammar, structures and vocabulary, cross-curricular skills and digital learning. We aim to ensure that all pupils from primary age to A Level fulfil their potential whilst developing them into Welsh global citizens.
“The limits of my language means the limits of my world” Ludwig Wittgenstein